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The SP Collective Agreement CRA: What You Need to Know

For employees working in the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA), their working conditions, salaries, and benefits are governed by the SP Collective Agreement. This agreement outlines the terms of employment for approximately 17,000 employees within the CRA`s Services and Programs (SP) group.

Here is an overview of what you need to know about the SP Collective Agreement:

1. Salary

The SP Collective Agreement sets out the salary ranges for employees within the SP group. These salaries are negotiated between the CRA and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), the union that represents the SP group.

The salary ranges are based on job classification and level, with each level having specific pay increments. The salary ranges are reviewed and adjusted every year based on the cost of living index.

2. Benefits

The SP Collective Agreement outlines the benefits that employees within the SP group are entitled to. These benefits include:

– Health and dental coverage

– Sick leave

– Vacation leave

– Maternity and parental leave

– Compassionate care leave

– Bereavement leave

– Long-term disability insurance

3. Working hours and overtime

The SP Collective Agreement also sets out the rules for working hours and overtime pay. It establishes the standard workweek as 37.5 hours, with overtime paid for any hours worked over this amount.

Employees are also entitled to a certain amount of annual leave, which varies based on their level and length of service. They are also entitled to paid statutory holidays and to be paid for any unused annual leave when they leave their job.

4. Grievance and arbitration processes

The SP Collective Agreement outlines the grievance and arbitration processes for employees within the SP group. If there is a dispute between an employee and their employer, they can file a grievance, which will be reviewed and potentially resolved through a mediation or arbitration process.

5. Job security

The SP Collective Agreement also includes provisions related to job security, including protection against layoffs due to budget cuts or restructuring. It also outlines rules related to job posting and staffing processes.

Overall, the SP Collective Agreement is an important document that outlines the working conditions, salary, and benefits for employees within the CRA`s Services and Programs group. As an employee, it is important to be familiar with its provisions and to consult with your union representative if you have any questions or concerns.